Saturday, April 02, 2005

I'm Green and I'm Proud

I tried some new produce recently, Lacinato kale. Lacinato kale snorts dismissively as it declares that Kermit the Frog is a wimp. It is easy being green, provided you've got the constitution for it.

I did a little research and found out that Lacinato kale is also called dinosaur kale, which explains its attitude. Kale is even tougher than the dinosaurs in one way; it can survive in subzero temperatures. You just suspend a blanket over it to keep the snow off. Then you put on your snow boots, your parka, and your gardening gloves, and you reach underneath the blanket and presto! Vitamin K and molybdenum!

I should cook some for my mother this year. Her doctor told her she should eat kale, so she put some mature leaves in a salad and was sufficiently scarred by the experience that she has never eaten kale again. I don't blame her, either!

There's an absolutely charming website run by people who love kale even more than I do, and are Buffy fans, and also have a somewhat raucous kitchen, in which you cook whatever comes your way. Check out their unconquerable kale logo.



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