Monday, June 20, 2005


We finished a major project at work so I feel I have leisure to think. I looked over a detailed brochure from my power company and discovered that I could receive ALL my electrical power from renewable energy sources at an extra cost of two cents per kilowatt hour, which for my one-bedroom apartment adds up to $1.64 per month, about $20 a year. I signed up. I feel smug. This is WAY cheaper than a solar panel.

This reminds me of an unintentionally hilarious NPR piece about a survivalist who trains military personnel to live off the land. The reporter commented that visiting this man's home was like stepping into the 19th century: He chopped his own wood, he burned kerosene lanterns, and he powered his computer equipment with solar panels! Completely off the grid!

Good god, how did they ever manage with only solar-powered computer equipment back in the 1800s? Yes, people were made of sterner stuff in those days.



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